Well I figured I should update my blog and let people know what we've been up to. And yes, you may have already noticed (since I'm pretty sure people only visit this just to see pictures of my kids..) that there are no pictures. BUT...I will gladly post a link at the bottom to my latest facebook album. Lucky you.
So this last month our most exciting thing was to go out to Utah to go to Kara and Ryan's wedding. Hooray! It was awesome for sure. Casey and Kara went through the temple for the first time together since Casey is leaving on his mission in 10 DAYS to go to Anchorage, Alaska. (enjoy the cold Casey...) While we were there we got to stay with my Aunt Lori & Uncle Scott and we had tons of fun just sitting around with them talking. We also got to go up to Layton area (Kaysville specifically) to go and visit my dad's parents and show off the cute kiddos and chat with them. AND...we ate at Bajio aka Heaven. It was wonderful.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving at Tyler's cousin Kristy's house with a bunch of his family that live in the area. It sure is nice to have family around. And tonight we had an early Christmas with Tyler's parents and Casey, since Casey will be leaving before Christmas and Tyler and I & kiddos will be off to Arkansas this year for Christmas. That's right everyone...we're going to Arkansas and I honestly can't wait. HOORAY! My sister and her hubby (and new cutey-pah-tootie baby Ainsley!) live there and my parents and brother are also spending there Christmas there so it will be loads of fun. And sadly we will all probably gain a few pounds with my mom around baking but it will be worth it for all the yummy treats we'll get.
So other than that, things are going great around here. Kendalynn is cute and crazy as ever and doing great with Logan. She never tries to sit on him or pick him up anymore, so that's definitely a good thing! Logan is the happiest baby I have ever seen no doubt. He smiles allllll the time at me, and loves me sooo much that he has been sleeping through the night for a good 3 weeks now. Awesome?? Yes yes indeed. We sure love having them both around, and there definitely is not a dull moment with Kendalynn and all the crazy things that she does.
So anyway, like I promised, here is the link to the photo album I added just the other day. Enjoy!