Thursday, March 26, 2009

even you


Those who know me (which I would hope is everyone who reads this, and if not...who are you and why are you reading this?) know that I am one of those sappy romantic types.  Not terribly, but enough.  However, Tyler is not which I very well know so we often tease each other about how he needs to be more sappy or how I need to not be so sappy.  Since Tyler is not a sappy person every so often when he says sappy-ish things (such as "I love you") I follow up with something like, "Ooooh!  You love me?!" to which he rolls his eyes or something to that effect.

So the story...  Just a second ago Tyler called to inform me that he was going to be leaving Columbia shortly to come home.  Whoopee!  I then made some comment about how Bugs would be excited to see him and how we sure have missed him, to which he replied that he had missed us too and he was excited to see both of us.  (here comes the sappyness) and I say "Oooh...You're excited to see me?" (and here comes the great part!) to which Tyler replies, "Ya...  even you."  HA!  Ouch!

I'm still laughing.  So of course he didn't seriously mean it that way (yes was a joke, no ones feelings are hurt) but I thought it would be funny to share the story of my oh so sappy husband.  ...maybe someday...  :)

nothing much

Well not a whole lot is going on in our lives as of now.  Tyler is ending his 3rd week down in Columbia (we're halfway done with this nonsense!) and will hopefully be returning to us late tonight instead of tomorrow which is always exciting.  He's very much enjoying his time down there with Kevin (the DM he's following) and feels like he is learning a ton about how he can do a good job when he finally gets to do his job.  :)

As for Kendalynn and myself - we're up to a whole lot of nothing.   Tuesday night she seemed to be coming down with a cold and had a TERRIBLE nights sleeping which of course meant that I did as well.  It was seriously terrible.  (Once we got out to Rexburg and into our house she has never slept in our bed, which sometimes I think would be a cute thing to do have my little bug all snugly between us.  NOT SO.  She moves around SO much that it's impossible to even sleep next to her.)  But after 2.5 hours of getting no sleep I tried to have her sleep in the bed with me so I didn't have to get up every 10 minutes.  But after she kept flopping her head down onto my stomach and whacking me in the face (all while sleeping) it was back to the crib.  So Wednesday was a very boring day for us (but thankfully involved a 3.5 hour nap!) but she slept much better last night and besides the runny nose seems to be just fine again.

Other than that...  Well there really isn't much other than that that I can think of.  So here are a few pictures of the violent sleeper.

Sitting on the couch while we vacuumed the cushions.

She has never let me put these on her before, but for some reason this time she found it all really funny.

I pulled out as many necklaces as I could find and she just kept layering them on.  She is such a girl.

She loves to sit at the piano and give it a good whacking.

I love how she turns the pages like she's actually reading the music.

I've been trying to get some cool shots of just her hands on the piano, but the lighting in our apartment is terrible, let alone every time I want to take a picture of what she's doing she stops doing it.  EVERY TIME.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

a CUTE dancing baby

Okay...i'd like to point out first that I sometimes worry when I put more than 1 post up in a day, that people won't notice the first one. So for the record...there are new pictures below!

So Kendalynn LOVES dancing. Oh my gosh anytime one of her toys plays a song or a TV show or I-Tunes goes on...she dancing. The day she is old enough to pay attention for longer than 5 seconds we already know we're putting her in some sort of dance class.

So...the day this video was taken, she was dancing ALL DAY. She spins and spins so much that she falls down every few seconds. But anyhow... the song playing was just some random song I clicked (when she's around we listen to classical or pleasant music i promise.)

Enjoy my CUTE kid!

lonely lil' me

Alright, i've been pretty bad at keeping up with this posting of pictures-but we've been fairly busy so...yeah.

As for our update, we have no returned to Raleigh! Well...I should say I have returned to Raleigh, and Tyler is floating about. March 9th Tyler started a 6 weeks phase down in Columbia, SC for training which is far enough that he only returns to us on the weekends while Kendalynn and I stay at home losing our minds. (alright, maybe i'm the only one losing my mind.) First of all, I HATE sleeping in the apartment by myself, it really freaks me out. At night when I walk up the stairs to our room I feel like I have to walk sideways so I can keep an eye on the upstairs and the downstairs to make sure no one creeps up on me, and most nights I do walk sideways. I'm paranoid, I know...but whatever. Blugh.

Other than that tragic part of our lives everything is pretty much the same. Oh...well there is one more thing I could say. We've decided to let it be known to the world, that yes...I am pregnant again (whoot whoot) and so no...i'm not just getting fat. We were going to wait a little longer to announce it, but I started getting "congratulations!" from people that weren't supposed to know yet, so apparently people are already leaking the news so I figure why not just let it flood out. (by the way...due date is Sep. 20th, I am currently 13.5 weeks.) Tyler and I are both completely convinced that it's going to be another girl. We are both VERY picky about names, so in a way it's easy to come up with them since it's rare that we agree so if it's a girl it will be Taylor Morgan, and if it's a boy it's probably going to be Jackson Morgan. (Morgan after Tyler's great grandpa Lake out in Rigby, Id who is amazing and going to outlive us all. He's 92...)

Anyways...enough writing, lets get to the pictures.

She likes to get in and on everything.

She also loves our phones. We never let her play with phones but she still tries to get them.

We went to Ammon's sister's house with Jamie & Emmy for an egg hunt and Kendalynn very much liked the chalk. I wish I had pictures of it, but she also LOVED the little balls in the backyard, and for good 10 minutes or so tried to pick up all of them at the same time. The most she got was 3.

Just like with phones, whenever we break out a laptop all she wants to do is get close and push the buttons, which she is also not allowed to do. (ONCE we let her sit at the computer desk and push buttons on our Mac... she somehow turned on this function where the computer says outloud EVERYTHING that you're doing (opening/closing folders, selecting stuff, etc...) and it took me 10 minutes to figure out how to turn it off.
She is also getting to this point where she only wants to feed herself the food. So fine go for it. The only problem is, when she "feeds" herself the food becomes a toy rather than something that actually gets eaten. So if someday they take her away for being malnourished...let it be known it is not my fault.