Thursday, May 26, 2011

random update

Okay, you all better appreciate these pictures because it took me an hour to get them all on here. Yikes. But here they are none the less.

It's been crazy around here. Kendalynn has been a new kind of something. I love her to death, and maybe it's cause I'm super tired lately with all this growing a human business, but she is getting to be a serious little diva. It's awesome. Lol. We'll see how that goes.. We signed her up for a ballet class (after she's been asking for MONTHS) so sometimes I'm a terrible mother and I tell her she has to be a good girl to go to ballet class, and it works pretty well. Also, I am happy to say that Kendalynn is now completely pacifier free. Wow...ABOUT TIME. Tonight in fact was the first night that she didn't even ask for it or mention it. Wonderful.

Logan is quite cute and really is a sweet boy. But he is a boy all the same and gets these random physical bursts of energy where he just needs to attack something. Luckily not too often though. He's learning the fun that comes with pushing moms buttons, and LOVES to test me out when I say if he doesn't stop doing something he'll go in time out. Ahhh the joys.

Other than that life is good. I'm tired A LOT, and these poor kids watch more Dora than I'd like to admit. (luckily I try and sleep through it...I can only handle so much counting and Swiper swiping.) Tyler loves work, and as of next week he will go down to 3 stores rather than 5. AND they're all the stores that are closest to home. I'm soooo excited.

So are the pictures. :)

One of the best parts of having a dog. Auto-clean. (and yes I still mop the floors.)

Just a random cute picture of Kendalynn. I'm pretty sure she is waving at Nathan when he showed up to take pictures. She likes friends.

Logan LOVES to wear Kendalynn's underwear on his head. He brings it over to me and says "hat" over and over again till I put it on. Crazy kid.

One of Kendalynn's favorite faces to make that Tyler taught her. :)

Our little ballerina. She shows me all the time "how to do ballet" with her hands above her head. She's so excited for her class.

Both the kids wearing Tyler and my shoes on the treadmill. (no it's not's unplugged.)

Normal shirt right? Wrong. This is a 0-3 month dress Kendalynn had as a baby. She tries everyday to pull out her baby clothes to wear.

And last but not least Logan dear got a hair cut. I was sad to see it go, but I actually like his new style.

Not the best picture but here he is. I had to give him (and of course Kendalynn) a sucker so he would sit still. He hated it. His hair is SO thin, that it took about 20 minutes cause I had to go over the same areas over and over again. Lucky kids got my hair.

The end.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

here we go again!

Yup...that's right. We're adding to the crazyness of our household. Yikes! I figure I've already lost my mind, so a 3rd child can't do any damage! Juuust kidding.

So yes, much to lots of people's surprise, I am pregnant. Just about 10 weeks, so we've got a lot of time to go before the due date (Dec. 10th) which means I'll have plenty of time to adjust to the idea of being even more outnumbered everyday. But I'm crazy excited.

Adding number 2 was difficult at times, but I think honestly the worst part was how much people talked to me about how it was going to be SO HARD, and everything they had to say about adding number 2 was negative. It made me so frustrated! I knew exactly what I was getting into, and it was the kind of chaos I had always wanted. I know kids are not easy. ( I ever...) They're uncontrollable, and it's crazy hard! But I know more than anything that this is what I'm supposed to be doing, and that these kids are without a doubt the thing that brings me the most joy and satisfaction in life.

So I seriously hope that this time around people will spare me their horror stories about how hard it was for them, and how hard it's going to be for me and bla bla bla. I know it's going to be hard, I never expected it to be easy. But I would much rather focus on all the joys that it will bring, because I know from experience that it's all the memories of the good that help me get through the insanity which inevitably follows. :)