Thursday, March 17, 2011

any runner friends out there?

I finally found something I've been searching for at the Goodwill. (you annoying GW haters please keep your comments to yourself. if i had a dime for every time people bugged me about the goodwill I would own the goodwill by now.)

A super duper awesome treadmill for $55 that is perfect in every way! Woohooo!!!

(this is just a picture from the internet, but the treadmill is the same one.)

So yes. It's awesome. I've used it everyday since I got it home last week. (thanks super friend Audrey for picking it up for me.) I'm already addicted. I had to convince myself to take a day off today (the first day since I got it, except Sunday of course) cause Tyler says I'm going to hurt myself.

So here comes the part where I need running advice. Like, how often people run per week, for how long, and random simple things like that. All in all I guess I'm asking for kinda lame advice...nothing too exciting. I'm not looking to run any marathons or anything, I just really want to exercise. I'd also be interested in what shoes people prefer or where they like to get them cause mine are pretty old.

the end. :)