Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My Parents Visit

Hooray for parents/grandparents!  We had a superb week with my parents out here, doing fun things and just sitting around with them.  Of course Kendalynn isn't old enough to really remember at all who they were, but she warmed up to them as soon as they walked in the door!  Grandpa actually made her laugh quite a bit throughout the week, and we discovered that Emberly makes Kendalynn want to fly.   (I'll try and post that video so you all know what I'm talking about.)

Well anyways...enough words!  Here are some pictures of random things we did throughout their week here in Raleigh!

As you can see here...Jamie has A LOT of leaves on her property, and so we raked them up one afternoon (me with a tiny baby rake!) while Emberly plowed around in the gigantic piles!

Here is a picture of Buggy-love in my sunglasses.  She thinks its funny to wear them.  And then we also have Tyler dumping all the peanuts from Lonestar into his leftovers to take home!
Here is Emberly standing next to the leg of some dinasour - which really was large - at the Museum in downtown.  And then we have Kendalynn sitting in a different ones footstep!
My favorite!  My mother eating Jamie's banana bread - and then her sticking the whole thing in her mouth cause I dared her too!  HA!
Here is Tyler standing behind the jaw of a extinct (THANK GOODNESS) and distant relative of the great white shark.  (CAN YOU IMAGINE? 42 FT. LONG!!)  And then theres Emberly, Kendalynn and me standing in a fake tree?  I dunno...I guess it was an example of what's really out there.
And last...here is me and Buggy-love at our day at a state park, and another of (it cracks me up!) Emberly and grandpa doing....what exactly?  I'm not sure.  But it's funny, and most likely inspired by Emberly!  She's so funny!


jamie said...

hey i'm glad you can post pictures again. and what nice pictures they are. i wonder where you got them from.

let me explain that last pic of grpa & emmy. they weren't sure which one was taller than the other. so here they are, side by side, to compare heights. and the winner is...?

Karie said...

Yeah! You figured out how to post ALL those pictures. Looks like you had a great time!!!! Hope to see you at Christmas time in GA!!!

Kelly said...

Your pictures were fun to see. I am glad you guys had fun with your mom and dad. Hey are you going to post cruise pictures? I never did get to see the pictures from your camera. Miss you guys.