Wednesday, July 15, 2009

update with no pictures. lame i know. first of all we had a BLAST at the FFFF out in Utah a few weeks ago.  Someday when I can get my pictures to upload on here I'll try and post a few, but in the meantime if you have facebook (or know someone who has facebook) then I posted 3 full albums of all our crazy activities and such on there.  It was a very much needed vacation for Tyler and all his hard work, and Kendalynn very much enjoyed all the attention and following her cousins around.  :)  We can't wait for the next one!

Earlier this week we had a bit of a scare with Kendalynn.  She was playing on her little car and in the process of getting off got stuck on the handle bar, so I held her hand to help her get off and heard a faint pop noise from her arm.  She faintly cried for a little bit and I frantically checked her arm for anything out of place, but she quickly calmed down so I figured she was just overreacting because it was 3:30 and she still hadn't taken a nap that day.  So I laid her down, only to hear her start crying softly in her crib about 10 minutes later.  I went up to get her and she wouldn't move so I took her into our bed and laid down with her.  Well after a while of her soft sobbing I pulled out a book to show her and realized that she wouldn't use her right arm at all when she has ALWAYS favored her right hand with everything.  ...what.. ..on..  I seriously started to panic.  I called and texted Tyler to no answer, so I hurried and got normal clothes on and got myself ready and a bag packed for Kendalynn assuming this was going to involve a doctor trip.  

Luckily he had the car seat in his car, so it wasn't even an option for me to take her anywhere by myself, cause by no means did I want to do this alone.  Once he got home and we had called around to find out where to go, we took her to an Urgent Care center about a half mile down the road, and as soon as we walked back with the nurses she just seemed to know that she didn't want to be there.  They didn't get to weigh her because she wouldn't stay still, and boy she did not like that poor doctor.  However, within seconds of the doctor coming in and hearing her story he knew exactly what was wrong.  Nursemaid's/babysitter's elbow.  ??  (you can look it up on wikipedia.)  He assured us that it wasn't anything that would affect her arm long term and to fix it he just had to bend her wrist toward her shoulder (which he said was nothing painful) and wait for a pop noise to mean everything went back to normal and then she should move her arm with no problem/pain whatsoever.  Well he tried twice (nothing) and left the room to let her calm down (which didn't really happen...) and then came in to try it a few more times, and on the 3rd time he said he got it so he left the room again and told us that if it worked she should move her arm no problem.  Wow, right away she started using her right arm again to reach for her cheerios and her pacifier, and after Tyler started clapping for her the doctor came back in again (cue the screaming baby...) to explain a few things to us before we left.    The nurse came in to give her an otter pop which actually made her quite happy and after we signed a paper or two we were back in the car to go home. 

It was seriously amazing how quickly she went back to normal, and since then she hasn't at all seemed bothered or anything with using her arm.  We both felt that we were so fortunate that her injury was such a simple one that didn't involve anything lasting because it was definitely not fun seeing our little Bug Bug so sad and in pain.  Hopefully we won't have to deal with anything like that anytime soon.  It definitely made us much more grateful for her and for her health because we have never had any major problems since she's been born which we recognize is such a great blessing.  We sure do love our little Buggy dear.  :)


craig shipley said...

so i was blog stalking on my sisters blog and i just barely discovered yours!!! what??? i'm craziness!

Buttle Family said...

Wow! I am glad all is fixed. It is never fun when our babies hurt. Isn't it amazing how fast they bounce back.

Karie said...

Good to know for the future. Now you can just fix it yourself if it happens again, right?