Yup...that's right. We're adding to the crazyness of our household. Yikes! I figure I've already lost my mind, so a 3rd child can't do any damage! Juuust kidding.
So yes, much to lots of people's surprise, I am pregnant. Just about 10 weeks, so we've got a lot of time to go before the due date (Dec. 10th) which means I'll have plenty of time to adjust to the idea of being even more outnumbered everyday. But I'm crazy excited.
Adding number 2 was difficult at times, but I think honestly the worst part was how much people talked to me about how it was going to be SO HARD, and everything they had to say about adding number 2 was negative. It made me so frustrated! I knew exactly what I was getting into, and it was the kind of chaos I had always wanted. I know kids are not easy. (wow...do I ever...) They're uncontrollable, and it's crazy hard! But I know more than anything that this is what I'm supposed to be doing, and that these kids are without a doubt the thing that brings me the most joy and satisfaction in life.
So I seriously hope that this time around people will spare me their horror stories about how hard it was for them, and how hard it's going to be for me and bla bla bla. I know it's going to be hard, I never expected it to be easy. But I would much rather focus on all the joys that it will bring, because I know from experience that it's all the memories of the good that help me get through the insanity which inevitably follows. :)
Congratulations on the good news!!
Congrats!!! I am so happy for you guys.
congrats! i'm actually really jealous. 3 kids... i have major catching up to do. i swear i met my husband the same semester you met yours... and i am WAY behind :).
so i was looking back through you blog (to figure out how old Logan was...4 month older than Cailin... so i'm not that behind yet) and saw you have a niece named Ainsley. that is really cool!
anyways, i'm excited for you. good luck with the pregnancy.
Yay Yay Yay!!! So excited for you guys!
I totally agree.. people have said the same things to me. I just mentioned it to Elliot the other day how annoying it is.
Having Ethan has been one of the hardest and greatest things in my life.. having another may be hard at times.. but isnt this the plan?? I have to remind myself that. This is the plan that I wanted.
Your children will bring you your greatest joy in life. Keep them coming, I love them so much. You are such a good mom, I'm so proud of you.
GREAT news! Maybe this one will come on Kirk's birthday! Hey, number 3 was not hard for me - just telling ya so you can think positive! Karon had just turned 4, Bryon was 15 months. Roll with it - enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations Katie!! That is so exciting! I hope your pregnancy goes fantastic.
Amen!...Any Yay! I'm so excited for you!
Congrats guys!
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