Saturday, December 3, 2011

nursing help

So...I'm just gonna get straight to the point and ask for help from anyone out there who successfully nurses their kids.  Any tips you have...advice...pain management solutions...the works.  I read everywhere over and over that nursing shouldn't hurt that bad, but for all 3 kids I've been pushed to the point of almost cursing out loud and then sadly I get pretty grumpy.

I really want to get thru this.  Maybe there is a good way to dull the pain???  Or maybe I should get a good stick to bite onto. 

Thats all.  Please help me. :)


Ainsley said...

get a nipple shield! it really really helps with the pain. i used one off and on for the first 3 weeks with cailin... i would have died with out it. once i was not longer in pain, i threw it out. she had no problems adjusting to either.

and when i also thought of all the calories i was burning... since i was super fat, it was the perfect motivation :)

good luck!

The Harwards said...

The Nipple Shield is currently my BEST friend!!! Or as Ryan calls it, my BREAST friend!!! I use it almost every time right now, and I have no pain what so ever!!! I also air dry after he eats and use coconut oil to help from cracking or bleeding, and so far it has worked like a charm!!!

Becky said...

Lansinoh, or lanolin, put on your nipples before you shower EVERY time will protect from soap and water pressure. Stay clean, as in shower as daily as possible with three little ones. Lastly, and maybe this is TMI, but wear support all day and some at night. Then your baby can empty you properly and minimize topical wear and tear, hence pain. Good luck!

Lorie Ann said...

All the above suggestions are good. I've also started reading this book that is really encouraging and helpful! It's called "Eat Well, Lose Weight, While Breastfeeding." It has been a good read and if anything, it keeps me motivated to keep nursing!

summerbummer said...

lanolin/lansinoh is amazing. AND, I just saw these things at target- they're cool little jelly round things that you put on your nipples- they feel SO good after nursing! they're cold and they cover the sore spots. I had some in the hospital after I had Cash, and sadly threw them away too soon.. they were amazing. They're $10 at Target near the breast pumps- they're seriously great. But nursing doesn't feel like that forever Katie! Just stick with it and it'll get better! I priomise!

summerbummer said...

oh... also, make sure she's latching right.... did you see a lactation nurse at the hospital? i've heard an improper latch will make a big difference.