Tuesday, February 10, 2009


It's a miracle!  There are pictures this time!  Now don't get too excited, because my problem is not gone, in fact it took me 3 hours to get all these pictures on here in the first place.  (Every so often I'd try to upload one and after many failed attempts sometimes I'd get one up!)

So here are as many pictures as I could get up today of our cute and precious little Buggy dear, and since Tyler and I aren't that cute or aren't attempting to do new and exciting things we don't bother even taking pictures of ourselves.  :)  Don't worry, we haven't changed at all.

This one isn't that great, but she's starting to put these necklaces on all the time and I'm glad that she seems to have girly tendencies!

I don't know how I managed to get this face, but I thought it was pretty great.

She decided to help me unload the water bottles.  As of late she suddenly loves water bottles.  When she sees us with one she really wants us to help her get it in her mouth to drink from it.  Sometimes she actually drinks it, and other times she just lets it slip out all over the floor.

I'm really not big on giving her anything that isn't healthy or good for her in someway because I have a hard enough time getting her to eat period.  But for the first time I gave her an oreo, and she enjoyed eating it as well as making a mess with it.

 She was never allowed on the couch before but now she can climb up so easily that we can't do anything about it really.  She gets up there and falls off probably 3 or so times a day AND DOESN'T EVEN BLINK and then she just climbs back up again.  At first I really tried to stop her, but then it got to the point where if she's going to do it we figure she might as well learn.  I guess it's a good thing it's not a very tall couch!

NOTE: If she gets brain damage I'm blaming Tyler.  He's the daredevil here, not me!

I love this face.  She makes the funniest faces and sounds while she's in the bathtub and it is rather cute.


Karie said...

My favorite is the bathtub pic! so cute!

Kelly said...

I love little bugs int he tub, that face is priceless. Can't wait to come see her.

Laurie Von said...

hey katie, i finally found your blog. she is so cute, i laughed at the laundry basket pushing and frustration--all my kids did that and it cracked me up everytime. she is a great mix of you and tyler, i still trip out that you married elder buttle, he was one of the good ones I liked. so cool, it'll be fun to be in touch thru the blogs. i'm excited about carries's too--luv those fisch heads.

Andy said...

hahaha, i like that last picture

The Calls said...

She's sooo cute! I love that last pic in the bath, she looks like she's either yawning or seen something indecent and is covering up her surprised jaw! lol. very cute!