Tuesday, July 27, 2010


this is a no picture post. i'll try and post pictures later for all of you who only like me for my children.

Lately I have been asking myself, "why do we live here again??" It is getting sooo hot outside that it's no fun to do anything outside. After switching the car seats the other day I felt so disgusting that I wanted to shower all over again. My sister Jamie and I were discussing this the other day (she's up in Raleigh in the same miserable weather boat) and I guess we were just spoiled growing up in a land with perfect weather. (perfect weather I get to experience in 39 days!)

Another reason I question our location is the bugs. Wow... Again, in good ol' California we were spoiled with an existence free of large many legged creatures. Just today I killed this critter outside that is so cutely named the "cow killer wasp." I stepped on it about 5 times or so, splitting it in half, and still it's upper half with only TWO LEGS tried to get away. WHAT? SERIOUSLY???? Ahhh it makes me want to laugh out loud.

At least the people around here are spectacular. We LOVE our ward beyond reason, even though they banished us to outer darkness....I mean Nursery. :) So I guess we can tolerate the heat and the devil creatures for at least a few more years.


Lee said...

Don't turn tail and run back to the west coast now...we just got here...:-)

jamie said...

holy cow killers batman!! that thing is freaky!!!!

i guess i'm fine with just the mosquitoes and spiders here. at least nothing is coming after me that can take down a cow.

David & Audrey said...

You love us! You said it! You love us! HOORAY!

Kathryn S. said...

You are soooo funny. I need to read your blog more often :) I go through blogging phases where I'm really good at checking and then I completely stop, or regular at updating, and then I stop for a really long time, etc.

I want to move to a place with perfect weather...but not CA. Housing is too rich for my blood there. Any other suggestions?