Thursday, September 16, 2010


I love lots of things. People, places, animals... the usual. But one of the things I love probably more than I the Goodwill. Wow, I have found more things that I've wanted or the kids needed there for the best deals. It's kind of ridiculous. Kid clothes, my clothes (the only place I buy myself clothes), kid toys, books, kitchen stuff. Seriously, it's ridiculous. There have been some things that I've bought there and then sold on Craigslist for a killing. Like an exercise bike that I got for $22 and then sold for $100. (a bike which I know wish I still had...) It's almost like things I say outloud that I wish I had, the next time I make a stop at our favorite place, there it is. Waiting for me.

I have been waiting for a double stroller for a few months now. So Tuesday when I went, there it was. For a whopping $27. This is the stroller that I found. (mine is black, but the same model and all. and if for some reason that link doesn't work, it's a double stroller by Zooper.) A $500 stroller for $27? WHAT???? Little did I know that I was buying a BMW of strollers. I also found this cute little art table for Kendalynn for $5.95. It sells new for $80.

But enough of the Goodwill. One of my other little loves is Kendalynn's new and expanding imagination. She's just now getting to the point where she plays with her toys outloud and has voices for the people and what they're doing. She currently has princesses in the bus and plane on their way to California and it seems to be on a dangerous adventure cause they keep falling.

I promise I'll try and put pictures up. If it lets me.

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