Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Attack of the Bee

So...here I was sitting at the computer while baby bopper played happily in her crib, when all the sudden there was a scary buzzing noise.... A GIANT bee appeared in the room from the hardly even open window! Now...this was no happy pleasant bee...it was an angry evil bee. From the moment it arrived it kept flying right at me and right at poor baby, and frantically flying right at the window in poor attempts to escape. Silly me...I started moving around the room trying to dodge the scary bug since I've never been stung and don't plan on it happening anytime soon. All while poor baby is sitting there watching me run around and watching this bug and puts two and two together and she started getting a little scared and whimpering. So me being super mommy...I open the door in her room that leads to more doors that lead to outside, grab my little bopper and run from the room so the scary bee can fly out and away to the happy outside. HOORAY! So...if my poor little baby grows up with a fear of bees....I guess we all know why.

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