Friday, July 4, 2008

July 4th - "I'll know it when I see it."

While still in Rexburg at school we had the great opportunity of spending this thrilling day of fireworks, street booths and the...well...such diverse group of citizens of Idaho Falls and surrounding areas with Grandma Jenkins, Kara, and Carrie and Duben. Fun fun fun... However, The REAL story of the 4th of July festivities however begins long after the sun had gone down.

So as the fireworks died off and we got our things together we proceeded to our cars, which we had decided Tyler and Kara would take Grandma back home, while Buggy and I would join Carrie and Duben to head straight back to Rexburg to get Buggy-love into bed. So Carrie, Duben and I decided the best way would be the back roads. We had a horrible map but figured it wouldn't be too bad so onward we went. It started off great, besides the fact that Carrie started to complain about needing to go to the bathroom. In fact, 5 or so minutes in we reached a point that took us about an hour to get to last year. WONDERFUL! ...or so we thought...

As we wandered quite aimlessly around the back roads of the area, nuuuumerous times we figured we knew exactly where we were or what we were looking for. "I'll know it when I see it", says Duben as he drives us in an hour long circle. A circle you ask? Why yes dear reader. While driving we came upon Ririe and decided to turn left towards Rexburg to go far far from Ririe, for we did not want to go that far south or what not. Well, after a few wrong turns here and a few wrong turns there we came upon a sign for which we all thought would say Rexburg was only a few miles away with our comfy beds, yummy night time snacks, and a toilet waiting for Carrie's immediate use. But no...this particular sign ruined all hopes we thought we had of being anywhere close. Thats right ladies and gentlemen. We had made our way back into the heart of Ririe! So we asked for directions to get on the right route back to Rexburg.

Wowee! So no...Duben will never live down "I'll know it when I see it." Carrie and I came up with a great version of the song "Give Said The Little Stream", we teased Duben a great deal, and watched for glowing eyes of small creatures on the side of the road. Oh was had by all.

1 comment:

jamie said...

carrie is a lot of fun when she's gotta go. and just so you know, she's always "seeing" little creatures. i think duben DID know where you guys were, and wanted to torture carrie.

the end.