Thursday, January 15, 2009

help help help

Alright...I surrender.

It seems that all google related things (gmail & blogger) have decided to rebel against me and not cooperate AT ALL.  With my e-mail, I try sending e-mails to various people and I happily write my message and click send.  But oh no.  Luckily I looked up an e-mail I had sent (or thought I sent) only to find that my sent message folder was full of BLANK e-mails to myself in place of the e-mails I meant to send.  ????????  Not only that, but most of the e-mails that I am "successful" in sending to people end up in html format.  What on earth?  No clue.

Also with my blogger...every time I try to upload pictures, it just doesn't work.  The pop-up window comes out and I select all the darling pictures that I want to show the world of my cute cute cute child, and then after a few moments of it "uploading my pictures" the window suddenly goes to this page as if the internet cut out.  Why why why?

So after all of my attempts to fix the problems that I don't understand I have decided to ask the world for its input.  If ANYONE has ANY ideas of what on earth is wrong...whether it's me, my computer (I have a mac), or my internet browsers (Safari & FireFox) I would love to get these things resolved.  



Kelly said...

darn, I have been itching for some cute pictures of your darling baby and my grandbaby, email me some if you can't blogger to work okay. I miss you guys and can't wait to see cute little bugs walking. Sorry, I am no computer expert so I dont' have a clue why you are haivng that problem.

andi said...

it's the bloggyman...he's doing it all.

Kelly said...

I wish you get that bloggyman fixed so we can see pictures of little bugs. I miss her. (Oh and you guys too)