7 lbs even
20 inches long
12:10 p.m.
Oh my goodness gracious today could not have gone any better. Hooray! Things have gone exceptionally well, and sooo much faster than I would have ever anticipated. Kendalynn's labor was about 14 hours, which I still don't think is that bad, so I was expecting it to go a little faster this time around...but not nearly this fast! I was also a little worried about the pitocin and if it just didn't like me, but we turned out to be great friends. :) Here's the basic summary of what happened today!
6:20 - get to front counter to fill out a few papers.
7:05 - in our room changing into my gown.
7:50 - start the pitocin!
8:10 - contractions start, and VERY quickly jumped to being VERY consistent at about 1.5-2.5 minutes apart. :)
9:20 - epidural. Heaven.
11:40 - the nurse came in and discovered that his head was "right there"
11:55 - started to push
12:10 - out pops Logan!
So ya. From the time that labor "started" and ended was only 4 hours. AMAZING. It was seriously so smooth. At 11:40 when the nurse came in, it was actually to put a heartbeat monitor on his head because he kept moving so much they couldn't keep one up with the other monitor. Well she then realized that he was moving so much because he was trying to escape. So by the time I started pushing, I had pushed 3 times with the nurse, and then the doctor walking in, looked down to see how things were going and said, "Oh! Hello!" and then one more round of pushing and out came wee little Logan man.
So it's been awesome. I'm feeling great, and hoping to be able to go home tomorrow night if they'll let me...but we'll see. Kendalynn was able to come in a few hours after Logan was born with Tyler's mom and brother Casey and she was so cute. She seemed a little scared of her surroundings at first (which I'm sure reminded her of scary doctor visits that she'd prefer to forget!) but warmed up real quick. She especially liked pointing to Logan saying "baby" over and over again, and pointing out features on his face and giving him kisses. We're sure she'll be a very sweet and loving big sister, and we're excited to get home altogether and get into as much of a routine as we can.
So anyways...things are good. Tyler went home about an hour ago to help with Kendalynn and will come and visit Logan and me tomorrow. And in the meantime I'll just enjoy the last moments of silence that I can and take advantage of the nurses to watch Logan so I can sleep!
What a precious little man! He really is absolutely adorable! Carter was 7 pounds and 20 inches too. Good size, good month to be born, good labor duration! Congratulations!
What a cute family. Your labor sounds exactly like mine with my second child. It was the best. I am excited for your little family. Have fun.
i love it.
short labor, cute baby, cute you, no problems, short labor... perfect. we can't wait to come and see you!
i love it Katie!! I'm so glad you and the Pit became "great friends" lol.. Sounds like he was really ready to come out! I want to see him so bad, and yes, Logan and Cash WILL be BFF. lol! (p.s... I agree- epidurals really are Heaven... thank goodness for drugs!)
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