Tuesday, January 19, 2010

2 posts in one day. lucky people you.

Okay, so Christmas and all that may have been almost a month ago, but I just now figured out how I can post pictures to my blog from my computer. I have to make each of them smaller first and then it usually works. So here we go, I'll leave out the mumbling and just put up some pictures.

Before Christmas we got to see Kara & Ryan when they came in town for the reception.

Kendalynn is especially fond of Ryan. She kept asking him to "come" and she'd make him crawl under the piano with her to play with toys.

For Christmas we went to Bentonville, Arkansas! My sister and her husband (and brand new wee baby Ainsley) live there, since both of them work for Walmart. My parents flew there along with my brother Topher, and so we figured since it was only about 10.5 hours, and Aldi pays for Tyler's car and gas no matter where we take it, it was basically a free trip for us. Fun times were definitely had. And in true Fischer style, there was plenty of yummy food.

a happy christmas Logan w/ his "1st christmas" pj.s (ainsley had matching ones.)

Tyler and kids with their Christmas pjs.

Tyler and his present from my parents. Superly awesome.

Carrie got Duben and Topher (and herself) mugs with their names etched on them.

At first this was about as much as we saw of Topher when he opened a present.

Ainsley's first Christmas present.

Lip gloss from our stockings.

My mom found some wanna be Harry Potter nasty beans. There are like, 12 different colors. Each color has a good one (like peach) and then a bad one (like vomit) that look exactly the same. So cool.

And it even snowed so we had a white Christmas. :) Awesomely awesome.

too bad I don't have any pictures of our 5 course meal on Christmas day that left us all feeling incredibly full. Wow.


Buttle Family said...

Fun Christmas Pictures. Your kids are so cute. Tyler will LOVE that tool set. We have it and loved so much we now have two of them and bought one for Grandpa Buttle. Glad you got to be with your family on Christmas.

Team Serra said...

wow Tyler's present looks a lot like Steve's presents....TOOLS. how boring...haha

jamie said...

and YOU'RE awesome too. awesomely awesome. cute christmas pictures there. i like the one of topher's hand creeping towards his present.

andi said...

thanks for reminding me of how much fun we had....and the SNOW (nice photo)! thanks for driving with 2 kiddies in the car to spend time with us ~ it was a WONDERFUL Christmas indeed! but i miss cuddling Kendalynn and Logan!

have you tried any of the beans yet?