Monday, February 15, 2010

and its only noon.

Today has just been one of those days. A lame day. A day where people just seem to be...poopy. A day that I joke with Tyler and say, "the world hates me today." The kids have been fine, but everyone else just seems rude. Blugh.

But going into great detail won't really help any. I am not a big fan of people who complain about things all the time. I always feel bad when hearing the same negative stories about people because I don't know what they're going through and I know that I am in no place to judge anyone else. It just makes me feel uncomfortable to talk about other people even if they did do something wrong.

So maybe the driver that was following behind me so rudely and waving his hands around had somewhere to go to help someone. Or maybe the ladies at Ross who never got around to ringing me up and instead went to take a smoking break (so yes...I eventually left, sadly without my cheesecake pan..) had some crazy drama going on so they never noticed me standing around for 8 minutes. Who knows. And if not, if they were only being rude then maybe I'll sit next to them in heaven and they'll feel bad and apologize. (that was my moms way of guilt tripping us about being rude to people, cause we might end up sitting next to them in Heaven.)

Maybe today will just make me more aware of how little things can really affect someone if they're already having a bad day. Like me. So hopefully from now on my day will get better. That'd be nice.


Karie said...

May you have a wonderful day today!!!!!!! Someone has to clean the poopy diapers and you're truly an angel for doing it! You are so thoughtful of other people you just understand how people can be so rude. One time I was VERY aggressive on the freeway during heavy traffic and I'm sure people were angry at me, but I had a really good reason and I didn't cause anyone to slam on their brakes.

David & Audrey said...

I hope I get to sit next to the Delta lady who hung up on me when I get to Heaven, so I can really give her a piece of my mind then!