Tuesday, February 23, 2010

happy birthday tyler!

Kendalynn has been "helping" me decorate the house all morning to celebrate our dear daddy/husbands birthday! Tyler is not much of a birthday person, but we Fischers most definitely are. Little does he know the house is now filled with streamers and balloons, and after I'm done with this blog he will be the proud owner of his very own true Fischer style birthday crown. Oh yes...it will be wonderful. Even Kendalynn is feeling the birthday spirit, she has been singing her version of the b-day song this morning, "happy day to you, happy day to you, happy daddy!" its cute.

So here's to our super Tyler who is superly awesome in every way. He is the life of the party around here. Kendalynn just looooves to play with him whenever she can, and even Cali begs for some Tyler lovin'. Life just wouldn't be the same with our very own superman. :)

A picture of our very own Superman/Heisman trophy.

A superman daddy indeed.


Laurie Von said...

holy 27!!! it just doesnt seem that long ago since he was here being a wonderful missionary. so glad you two are together--wish we could hang out, that'd be preeeeetty fun. sounds like you are a lovely little wifey with all the bday fun. tell him hi for us and we are so happy for you and your cute family.

Buttle Family said...

Happy Birthday Tyler.

It must be a Buttle thing, not being big on Birthdays. Darrin isn't either. Hopefully we can change them and bring them to the good side.

Karie said...


jamie said...

happy late birthday to tyler (another fischer tradition) and DANG! that logan baby of yours is cute. let's work on planning a beach trip soon so i can squish him.