Thursday, December 11, 2008

What's in the box?

Oh funny funny...  So Tyler brought home this box that Kendalynn loves to play with, and sit in mostly.  The other night Tyler put it over his head and looked out at Bugs through the side hole and she just couldn't figure out what was going on.  First she just looked at it, then looked at me, and then she got more curious and daring, and started poking in the hole, and eventually started lifting it up to see that daddy really was in there!  She's a funny one!  

"the eye"

The timid stage.

The getting a little more curious stage.

The conquering fear stage.

The "Oohh..there's daddy!" stage.

1 comment:

A Peek Into the Life of Kara said...

OMG, that is so cute...I can just see her doing that.