Thursday, March 26, 2009

nothing much

Well not a whole lot is going on in our lives as of now.  Tyler is ending his 3rd week down in Columbia (we're halfway done with this nonsense!) and will hopefully be returning to us late tonight instead of tomorrow which is always exciting.  He's very much enjoying his time down there with Kevin (the DM he's following) and feels like he is learning a ton about how he can do a good job when he finally gets to do his job.  :)

As for Kendalynn and myself - we're up to a whole lot of nothing.   Tuesday night she seemed to be coming down with a cold and had a TERRIBLE nights sleeping which of course meant that I did as well.  It was seriously terrible.  (Once we got out to Rexburg and into our house she has never slept in our bed, which sometimes I think would be a cute thing to do have my little bug all snugly between us.  NOT SO.  She moves around SO much that it's impossible to even sleep next to her.)  But after 2.5 hours of getting no sleep I tried to have her sleep in the bed with me so I didn't have to get up every 10 minutes.  But after she kept flopping her head down onto my stomach and whacking me in the face (all while sleeping) it was back to the crib.  So Wednesday was a very boring day for us (but thankfully involved a 3.5 hour nap!) but she slept much better last night and besides the runny nose seems to be just fine again.

Other than that...  Well there really isn't much other than that that I can think of.  So here are a few pictures of the violent sleeper.

Sitting on the couch while we vacuumed the cushions.

She has never let me put these on her before, but for some reason this time she found it all really funny.

I pulled out as many necklaces as I could find and she just kept layering them on.  She is such a girl.

She loves to sit at the piano and give it a good whacking.

I love how she turns the pages like she's actually reading the music.

I've been trying to get some cool shots of just her hands on the piano, but the lighting in our apartment is terrible, let alone every time I want to take a picture of what she's doing she stops doing it.  EVERY TIME.


Buttle Family said...

I love the piano pictures. They make the cutest music when they play softly.

Karie said...

Every sick child needs their own parent handy EVERY minute. After all, the Lord is always there for us. I love the piano pics.

A Peek Into the Life of Kara said...

looks like we've got a piano player on our hands!

Kelly said...

She got her mothers musical fingers. I love the picture of her in that cute and hat and mittens, glad she got some use out of them even if it was just for play. Can't wait to have you guys here next month.